March 27, 2023

Reunion weekend boasts largest attendance ever

This past October, Beloit College welcomed alumni, families, 自疫情开始以来,朋友们第一次回到校园. 

Beloiter Days: Homecoming, Reunion, and Family & Friends Weekend 看到这三件事结合成一个充满庆祝的周末. More than 750 Beloiters joined in on the fun, including alumni from as far back as the class of 1955, and set a record for attendance.

三个班回到伯洛伊特参加他们的50周年同学会庆典, 弥补因疫情限制而错过的岁月. 在校生和校友喜欢在返校节游行中与同学们一起庆祝,并在晚上聚在他们最喜欢的校园聚会场所聚会, C-Haus.

1972届毕业生在每次同学会的友好班级比赛中表现出色, 赢得了1908年同学会的最高百分比和1909年同学会的最高人数.


Distinguished Service Citation

The Distinguished Service Citation is awarded to alumni on the basis of overall achievements, personal growth in career, and outstanding civic, cultural, 以及专业/商业服务,以体现伯洛伊特学院的信誉. Four Distinguished Service Citations were awarded in 2022.

Leah Burns’72

Leah Burns'72 Leah Burns’72, 联合卫理公会有信仰的积极分子和牧师, received a Distinguished Service Citation.
Credit: Dominic Panico
72年的获奖者利亚·伯恩斯(Leah Burns)在伯洛伊特学院(Beloit College)读书时就开始倡导平等. 她是1969年占领中学的35名黑人学生之一,他们要求有色人种学生获得更公平的大学经历.

她在自己的职业生涯中继续从事这项工作,专注于企业界的多样性和包容性. 2016年,她改行成为联合卫理公会牧师, reconnecting to her family’s deep roots within the U.S. Black Methodist movement. 她仍然自称是一个“有信仰的活动家”,诺克斯维尔列侬-塞尼联合卫理公会教堂的牧师说, Tenn.他是联合卫理公会田纳西河谷区的领袖.

Erica Ueland’72

Erica Ueland'72, presented by Eleanor Chiquoine'76 76届校友会董事会成员埃莉诺·奇quoine将DSC颁发给缺席的72届校友艾丽卡·乌兰.
Credit: Dominic Panico

After studying English literature and anthropology as a transfer student at Beloit, she became an airline transport pilot, flight instructor, 他是犹他州沙漠风暴行动和圣地亚哥国防部的飞行工程师, Calif. 她之所以受人钦佩,不仅是因为她的机智和对未来飞行员的指导, but also for her community responsibility. 自2004年以来,她一直是圣地亚哥妇女基金会的成员, serving on its board of directors, 并继续担任圣地亚哥县的季节性选举官员.

Stacie Rosenzweig’97

Stacie Rosenzweig'97 Stacie Rosenzweig’97, 专门研究法律伦理和选举法的律师, was recognized for her work and service.
Credit: Dominic Panico
1997年的Stacie Rosenzweig被公认为法律伦理领域的州和国家领袖,也是民主和投票权的坚定捍卫者.

他是密尔沃基市豪林律师事务所的股东和律师 & Cayo, she has a successful practice focusing on legal ethics, professional responsibility, and election law. 她对服务的奉献包括为其他律师教授继续法律教育课程,并作为马奎特大学牙科学院的兼职助理教授教授法理学. She earned her J.D. from Marquette University Law School in 2009.

Amy O’Neill Grant’97

Carol O' neill代表97年的Amy O' neill Grant接受DSC. 卡罗尔·奥尼尔为她的女儿接受了追授的杰出服务奖, Amy O'Neill Grant’97.
Credit: Dominic Panico
艾米·奥尼尔·格兰特(Amy O ' neill Grant)于1997年追授该奖项,以表彰她对教育有特殊需要儿童的关怀精神和热情.

A biochemistry major and three-sport lettered athlete in soccer and track & field, she became a track & 田径队队长,全美学术锦标赛冠军. After graduation, 她在伊顿教堂与吉米·格兰特结婚,并获得了教学学位, 找到一种特殊的亲和力来教有特殊需要的学生. After a fellow educator was diagnosed with breast cancer, Amy became a dedicated organizer for the Susan G. Komen Foundation and avid participant in awareness walks. 艾米在被诊断出患有这种疾病后一直坚持着,直到2008年去世.

Young Alumni Award

Aaron Joiner'12 12岁的亚伦·乔伊纳(Aaron Joiner)获得了青年校友奖,以表彰他作为一名科学家的成就,以及他为使科学事业更受有色人种学生欢迎所做的努力.
Credit: Alison Yin Photography
青年校友奖每年颁发给一位伯洛伊特学院的校友, in the decade after graduation, has put Beloit’s principles into practice. Aaron Joiner’12, the 2022 recipient, 是一名结构生物学家,在加州大学伯克利分校做博士后研究.

As a Cornell University Ph.D. student, 他主张增加他所在领域的多样性,并继续指导学生,努力提高有色人种学生的归属感. He received numerous honors at Cornell, 包括被霍华德休斯医学研究所选为汉纳格雷研究员, 该奖学金将授予25位杰出的新科学家,以促进生物医学研究的多样性. 乔伊纳住在伯克利,嫁给了14届的校友亚历山德拉·欣克.

Looking ahead

This year’s Beloiter Days will be held September 29-October 1, 2023.

Also In This Issue

  • Djuvane Browne’04


  • Capturing the magic of all Reunions, 它展示了在校学生与返校校友的相遇——在这个例子中, alumni from the 1920s classes, celebrating their 50th reunion that year.

    Cows in the belfry and a way back reunion photo

  • “Even Dictators Need Dogs: Stories and Poems” by Henry F. Zacchini’92

    Even Dictators Need Dogs: Stories and Poems


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