保罗Engleman 76


贝洛伊特大学开创性的咨询机构AMP将学生与导师早早联系起来, 帮助他们适应大学生活, 并将他们的目光投向文科教育的成果.

Anyone who has attended a college admissions event in recent years knows a common question many prospective students and their parents ask. 他们的教育能多快带来成功的职业生涯?

The challenge of explaining the relevance of a liberal 艺术s education in a career-minded environment is top of mind for Leslie Davidson, 伯洛伊特大学负责招生的副校长. “当你看到与职业相关的研究, 从长远来看,文科毕业生是有优势的, 但就感知而言,这是一个劣势,她说。.

戴维森认为,转折点出现在2008-09年的经济衰退之后. “过去,对许多父母来说,大学自我实现的目的已经足够好了,她说。. “But the concern that this generation is not doing better than their parents financially has made the need to find a good job after college non-negotiable. 大学需要证实学生和家长的担忧,因为这是真实的.”

追溯到 20世纪60年代的伯洛伊特计划 — when the college was one of the first schools to introduce a work requirement known as the Field Term — 贝洛伊特 has focused on career readiness through its liberal 艺术s lens. 在过去的几年里, 然而, 该学院在解决戴维森概述的问题方面更加有意识.

战略规划委员会在2019年的工作产生了几项重大举措,包括 职业生涯通道是由八个职业类别组成的一组 艺术 to Worldbuilding -将学生与课程信息和建议联系起来, 校园活动, 和可用的资源(e.g.(实习).

一个相关的倡议, 综合学习成果(ILOs), 艺术iculates four learning goals that are embedded in the curriculum and everyday campus life: effective communication, 富有成效的合作, 创造性地解决问题, 以及专业和智力的敏捷性.


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While 职业生涯通道 and ILOs are a way of restating 贝洛伊特’s long-standing approach within a career context, a third initiative developed in the strategic planning process entails a whole new slant on faculty-student advising — 高级辅导计划,简称AMP. 这是一个程序, 副院长乔伊·德León说, 是否在其他大学的管理人员中引起了轰动.

具体做法是这样的:在承诺进入伯洛伊特大学的72小时内, incoming students are assigned a faculty advisor based on the introductory course they choose out of a dozen or so. That advisor is then available to answer any questions they have — by email and in several regularly scheduled individual and group video calls during the period leading up to the st艺术 of their first semester.

教师建议和指导学生在1对1的设置. 一次是在伯洛伊特, each student cohort takes a qu艺术er-credit weekly AMP seminar with the advisor to ease their transition to college life and begin the process of thinking about their career goals. 作为研讨会的一部分, first-year students attend AMP “connections” sessions— weekly hour-long information and activities hosted by campus groups.

The relationship between AMP advisors and advisees continues through sopho更多的 year until a student selects an academic advisor within their major. 这所大学提供 二年级学生选修的一套四分之一学分的AMP课程 重点是与未来规划有关的更广泛的问题.

“The early connection of deposited students to advisors is pretty much unheard of and yet makes so much sense, 尤其是在我们遭遇大流行的时候,de León说. “在过去, 学生将在12月至次年5月期间存入[学费], 直到他们8月份到达,他们才会听到我们的消息.”



生物学 Rachel Bergstrom教授, 谁与de León共同指导AMP项目, 说, “We planned AMP before Covid was on the map because we recognized how important it is for students to feel connected with campus life. We’ve seen a huge benefit from it while working with students who had significantly disrupted high school experiences during the pandemic. AMP provides a lot of flexibility and space for us to anticipate and respond to what students need to be successful here.”

戴维森说,这个项目得到了未来学生和家长的积极回应. 她说:“过渡到大学是令人兴奋的,但也有压力。. “有机会接触到一个能帮助你计划这段经历的人,会产生很大的影响. Students and parents like the idea that they already have a college advisor while still in high school. 而且那个顾问是教职员工,而不是收钱的招生人员.

她说:“我们还解释了这个社区高度关联的本质。. “你在贝洛伊特的导师不会只和你谈论学术. 你可以谈论任何你想到的事情. 顾问出现在你的比赛、表演或艺术展开幕式上并不罕见.”

舞蹈教师与学生一起在校园和世界各地编排表演. 伯格斯特罗姆说:“与我交谈过的家长都对早期顾问的匹配印象深刻. 他们觉得他们的孩子在他们来之前就已经了解了大学的内部情况. 这有助于他们感到自信,他们的孩子会得到很好的照顾.”

De León 说 that “giving credit and having a time slot in the academic schedule for what is basically an advising class shows how highly we value the advising relationship.她解释说,有15名教员参加了AMP, 每个小组由18到20名学生组成. AMP顾问不会获得额外的经济补偿, 但是他们的教学计划减少了一门课.

英语 查克·刘易斯教授是伯洛伊特大学写作项目的负责人,他在AMP的设计中发挥了关键作用. “We worked closely with the admissions dep艺术ment to align our approach with what they told us about the concerns and perceptions of prospective students and their parents,他说. “传统的咨询模式过于被动. 他们有一种“我们会为你而来”的心态,但这种心态并不适用于所有人. 有些学生在培养导师方面比其他人做得更好, 寻求支持, 并充分利用现有资源. 我们已经改变了我们的整个学习计划,在这些咨询课程中进行硬连线, and we’ve made advising as formally structured and intentionally designed as any other p艺术 of our curriculum.”

刘易斯, 明年谁将取代de León成为AMP的联合主席, 认为该项目对学生和教师都是互惠互利的. “他们更了解我,我也更了解他们,”他谈到学生时说. “我更主动、更细心,他们觉得我更有空. 我们在学习和其他事情之间建立了更多的联系. 就好像我们给彼此多开了几扇窗,因为, 好吧, 我们有一个内置更多Windows的结构.”

De León表示,学生们对这个项目有不同的反应. “有些人狼吞虎咽,有些人认为他们已经超越了它. The one thing we’ve discovered so far in our assessment is that students value the relationship with the advisor, 这是最重要的部分.”

而一年级学生悉尼·格蕾丝·摩西在申请AMP之前就知道了, the offering that made 贝洛伊特 her first choice of colleges and drew her from Los Angeles to Wisconsin was the writing program, 还有想看雪的欲望. She got an advance look at the accessibility of 贝洛伊特 faculty when an admissions counselor arranged a phone call with 英语 professor Chris Fink, 谁教创意写作,谁编辑 贝洛伊特小说杂志.

是世界建筑集体俱乐部的成员,也是中学辅导计划的导师, Moses 说 that some of the career-related topics in the AMP seminar are simply not of interest to her. 但她很重视自己和导师之间的关系, 人类学 莱斯利·威廉姆斯教授,以及在她的咨询小组里交朋友的机会. She has even found her 人类学 intro class so interesting that she is considering 人类学 as a major.

“We looked at the experience of the take-charge student at 贝洛伊特 and tried to craft programs that make sure every student gets that experience,戴维森说.

Bergstrom他. “我们的许多学生不知道他们想做什么,或者不知道如何做他们想做的事情,她说。. “我认为AMP使我们能够满足每个学生的职业准备水平.”




Integrating career readiness into a liberal 艺术s education presents a creative challenge for faculty members called upon to design courses that serve both interests. 而面向二年级学生的AMP课程则侧重于培养有用的技能, they also address the concept of career readiness in the broader sense of discovering a purpose in life.

Sopho更多的 AMP seminars for the 2021-22 academic year have included Enemies of the People: Enemies of Happiness, an examination of the relationship between an ideal society and individual freedom through the reading of two novels — Zamyatin’s We 和奥威尔的 1984; Saving 贝洛伊特’s Stories: Preserving the Past through Oral History, a course on gathering information through oral history interviews that students conduct and submit to the college archives; and Creating Meaningful Connections and Worlds, 它探讨了文学, 语言, 艺术, 媒体塑造了我们当前的世界,赋予我们想象的能力, 创建, 改变未来的世界.

伯洛伊特学院的学生有机会向伯洛伊特大学的一些顶级首席执行官提问 ... 教学大纲的开篇 哲学 Matt Tedesco教授大二的AMP课程, 找到意义, could serve as a mission statement for the college’s renewed program and identity: “A 贝洛伊特 education, 通过我们的综合学习成果, 目的是发展你的技能,为你的职业生涯做好准备. 但做好职业准备本身并不是目的,你追求的任何职业也不是目的. 大概还有更伟大的目标——比如有意义的、美好的、繁荣的生活. 这样的事情包括什么? 我们如何去追求它——或者,也许,我们如何避免错过它? 这门课将从最广泛的意义上讲如何设定优先级. 我们会遇到托尔斯泰笔下的伊凡里奇, 以及我们生活中的其他人, 彼此之间, 在一段旅程中,看看我们是否能找到意义——或者, 至少, 开始吧.”

特德斯科说:“我越来越相信元认知——关于学习的思考. 每次我考试或布置作业的时候, 我想让学生问为什么要给他们布置这个作业. I want students to see that what they’re doing is contributing to the skills and outcomes of their college experience.”


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